1. It could aid weight loss.
Anyone looking to lose weight could be helped by upping their water intake. Studies have found that when participants drink water before a meal, they lose weight faster than those who did not drink water . Extra H2O helps us eat less by making us feel full, and it may also boost metabolism. CamelBak hydration advisor Kate Geagan, RD says it’s not uncommon to put on weight by mistaking thirst for hunger, and she offers this pro tip: Next time you feel fatigued or sluggish, “drinking water may be just what [you] need to perk up.”
2. It powers our warm-weather exercise.

With the proper precautions, working out in the heat is usually fine—and staying hydrated is one of the most important things you can do. The hotter the workout, the sweatier we tend to get, so it’s extra important to replace those lost fluids. Determining sweat rate informs good rehydration strategy: “Once an athlete [knows his or her] sweat rate, they can begin to practice replacing these fluid losses in training and be optimally prepared for [athletic exertion],” says Casa.
3. It keeps things moving, digestion-wise.
Water helps us, you know, go by helping dissolve fats and soluble fiber. Drinking enough water prevents constipation and also reduces the burden on the kidneys and liver by helping to flush waste products. Geagan breaks it down: “In the large intestine, water binds with fiber to increase the bulk of the stools, reduce transit time and make elimination easier. When you don't drink enough water and fluids, the colon pulls water from stools, increasing your risk of constipation.”
4. It helps endurance athletes fight fatigue.
Water is an integral part of most any workout, and it becomes especially important in order to prevent dehydration during long workouts. When exercising for an hour or more, drinking water treated with carbohydrates and salts (by mixing in tablets such as Nuun, or making a DIY version) can help maintain fluid balance, which aids athletic performance and helps prevent post-exercise fatigue and exhaustion .
5. It might protect against some types of cancer.
Research has found that the greater the fluid intake, the lower the incidence of bladder cancer, with more significant results when the fluid is water . One possible reason could be that urinating more frequently prevents the buildup of bladder carcinogens. Staying hydrated may also reduce the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer .
6. It can improve mood.
Drinking water makes us feel so refreshed that it actually improves our state of mind. You don’t even have to be severely in need of it to benefit: Even mild dehydration has been shown to negatively impact moods .
7. Drinking it may help prevent headaches, naturally.
Going without water for too long causes headaches for some people, and has been identified as a migraine trigger . The good news is that in a study on the effects of water on headaches, participants experienced “total relief” from their headaches within 30 minutes of drinking water (two cups, on average) . Geagan says a good way to prevent headaches is to stay hydrated throughout the day. And if you’ve already been hit with a dehydration-triggered headache, you’ll need significantly more water to help it go away. She recommends drinking two to four cups of water for headache relief within one to two hours.
8. It keeps our kidneys working.
Kidneys remove waste from our bodies, help control our blood pressure, and balance fluids, so they’re crucial to keeping our systems running smoothly. One surefire way to keep them working properly? Adequate water consumption! So drink up to keep those kidneys in tip-top shape.
9. It energizes us.
Next time you’re feeling zonked, try drinking a couple glasses of water. Feeling tired is one of the first signs of dehydration and filling back up on H2O could zap the sleepiness .
10. It may help keep us alert.
If you’re going to need to concentrate for long periods of time, keep water handy to help you stay refreshed, hydrated, and focused: Dehydration can impair your attention span, memory, and motor skills .
11. It protects our joints and cartilage.
Water keeps the cartilage around our joints hydrated and supple, ensuring that our joints stay lubricated. It also protects our spinal cord and tissues, keeping us healthy from the inside out. Geagan explains that cartilage—the rubbery material that coats our bones—is about 85 percent water. To keep this protective material healthy, we need to keep hydrated.
12. It takes the edge off of hangovers.
Drinking alcohol causes dehydration, which can lead to hangovers. Having a glass of water with each alcoholic drink you sip is one way to offset the dehydration (and the day-after misery).
13. It helps us think more clearly.
Dehydration causes shrinkage of brain tissue. So when we haven’t been drinking enough water, our brains have to work a lot harder to perform at the same level . One study even found that students who brought water to tests did better on their exams.
14. It balances our fluids.
About 60 percent of the human body is made of water, and keeping our fluids balanced means that all that water is doing its job—transporting nutrients, aiding digestion, regulating temperature, and so on.
15. It’s been linked to heart health.
Can drinking water keep us heart healthy? There seems to be a link between risk of death from coronary heart disease and water intake: Research has shown both that consuming more water means a lower risk of death from coronary heart disease and that risk of death rises when intake of “high-energy fluids” (like soda and juice) increases .
Cold showers have been proven to have an amazing effect on your well being and health. Something as simple as rotating the temperature gauge can really have a big improvement on your life. Here are  the 15 benefits of taking cold showers: 
1) Cold Showers Build Strong Will Power
Out of all the other articles out there, no one lists this as a positive of taking cold showers, but I personally think it’s the most important. Cold showers build massive will power.
To a cold shower virgin, the amount of will power it takes to take cold showers may seem like that of a Shaolin Monk, because for the common man it is a pretty big jump.
Doing something you are so resistant to, every single day, right when you wake up, takes a lot of mental strength. And overtime, this mental strength and discipline will become an automated habit .
2) They Improve Emotional Resilience
Do you get flustered, anxious or pissed off easily?
Cold showers can help. Seriously, cold showers train your nervous system to be more resilient to stress.
As shown in this study, cold showers act as a small form of oxidative stress on your nervous system. And overtime, the body adapts to this. Essentially, you will be a calm, cool, bad-ass dude. The first time you step in that cold shower, you won’t be able to think straight, let alone breath. But after a month, you will be thinking about your day in a Zen like focus as the ice cold water has no effect on your manliness. This will translate into everyday life as you brush off stressful bullshit that would typically ruin your mood.
    This can be viewed as an adaption to repeated oxidative stress, and is postulated as a mechanism for body hardening. Hardening is the exposure to a natural, e.g., thermal stimulus, resulting in an increased tolerance to stress, e.g., diseases. – Source
3) They Reduce Stress
Along with increasing your adaptation to stressful situations, they will lower levels of uric acid, and boost levels of Glutathione in your blood – making you less stressed in general.
4) Cold Showers Increase Alertness
If you’re one of the brave souls that have taken a cold shower already, then you will know that at first it is hard to breath.
But don’t be scared. This extreme deep breathing, at 8AM every morning, is going to dramatically increase your oxygen intake & heart rate, resulting in a natural dose of energy throughout the day.
On top of the icy cold water, this deep breathing will leave you feeling alert, instead of a groggy zombie like your coworkers.
5) They’ll Improve Your Skin & Hair
If your not motivated by feeling better, then be motivated by looking better.
One of the best ways to improve your skin (and hair) is by taking cold showers. Plus it’s free!
According to certified Dermatologist Jessica Krant, ice cold water can help our skin by preventing it from losing too many natural oils. And your hair gets the same benefit.
Along with that, one of the benefits of cold showers is how they will help your hair appear shiny, strong & healthy by keeping the follicles flat and increasing their grip to the scalp. This is great news for any of you guys who are scared of losing your hair!
6) Stimulate Weight Loss
Another way cold showers will make you look better, is by promoting fat loss.
Most people don’t know this, but there are two types of fat in your body. Brown fat & white fat. White fat is bad. It’s the body fat that we all hate so much. Brown fat is good. It’s function is to generate heat and keep your body warm.
When you take a cold shower, brown fat is activated, resulting in an increase in energy and calories burned to keep your body warm. So much so that according to this study, cold temperatures can increase brown fat by 15X the normal amount, which can result in 9 pounds of weight loss per year.
Tim Ferris is also noted in his book, The Four Hour Body, that taking ice baths was an amazing way to promote weight loss. The next level for any cold shower veterans.
7) Cold Showers Increase Testosterone
One of the coolest benefits of cold showers, for men, is that they will cause a rise in testosterone levels.
How much is hard to say, but according to this study, heat (even in small amounts) has an effect on our DNA, RNA & protein synthesis in the male testes. Fun fact: This is why our balls hang outside of our body, to stay cool. This study backs this, showing that just 15 minutes of increased heat in rat testes showed a big drop in testosterone.
All that, and the fact that Russian weightlifters used to sit out in the cold before competitions, leads me to believe there is something to this cold shower and testosterone theory.
8) They Boost Fertility
Another interesting benefit of cold showers is that they will boost your sperm count and increase fertility.Taking hot baths has been proven to be an effective male contraceptive. Men who took a half hour hot bath every other day for 3 weeks were rendered infertile for the next 6 months!
On top of that, a study at USCF showed that men who stopped taking regular hot baths showed a sperm count increase of up to 491%.
While a hot shower won’t be as devastating on your sperm, it will have an effect. Remember, those testes want to be nice and cool, so if your trying to conceive – do them a favor and opt for cold showers.
9) Cold Showers Improve Circulation
And if you’re not motivated by feeling better, or looking better, then be motivated by being healthier.Cold showers improve circulation by means of sending blood down to your organs to keep them warm. This stimulation of the circulatory system is great for your overall cardiovascular health.
10) Cold Showers Improve Immunity
One of the most important benefits of cold showers is the fact that they increase your immunity.
A study from England showed that taking regular cold showers increases the amount of disease fighting white blood cells, compared to that of those who take regular hot showers. The hypothesis was that the boys attempted to warm it’s self during the cold shower, resulting in an increase in the metabolic speed rate and activation of the immune system. This then leads to the release of more white blood cells.
On top of that, remember back to point #2 and how the cold water swimmers bodies were more adaptive to oxidative stress. (A.K.A, their bodies can take a hit)
11) And They Drain Your Lymphatic System
An additional, yet crucial, part of the body that is affected by cold showers is the lymphatic system. What the lymphatic system does is help carry out waste from your cells. This is key in defending your body from unwanted infections. And when the lymphatic system is blocked, it will show up in symptoms such as frequent colds, infections and joint pain.
Cold showers, when alternated between hot and cold water will help your lymphatic system, by contracting the lymph vessels when exposed to the cold and relaxing them when exposed to the heat. This essentially pumps the fluid that may have stagnated in your lymph vessels out, resulting in a stronger immune system and healthier you.
12) Cold Showers Speed Up Muscle Recovery
If you’re an athlete than you know that taking an ice bath after intense training is one of the best things you can do to recover faster. (A 2009 study confirms this)
But you don’t need a high tech training facility with cold water submersibles to be able to achieve these benefits. Just take a cold shower.
Although it won’t be as effective as a fully submersed ice bath, it will improve circulation, and help remove some lactic acid. Try alternating between very hot and very cold to let the blood come and go to the surface. Your muscles will thank you.
13) Cold Showers Relieve Depression
One of the most noted benefits of taking cold showers is that they offer relief for symptoms of depression.
Cold showers stimulate what is known as “the blue spot,” which is the brains primary source of noradrenaline – a chemical which plays a role in alleviating depression.
Plus the mild electroshock delivered to the brain by the cold shower (you’ll know exactly what I mean) sends an overwhelming amount of electrical impulses from peripheral nerve endings to the brain, which could result in an anti-depressive effect.  There is a high density of cold receptors in the skin, much more than there are for registering warmth.
And according to this study, it’s not all just hearsay.
At the end of every shower, I like to just let that cold water blast me on the top of the head for as long as I can take it. Talk about brain freeze.
14) They Wake You Up
Obviously, an ice cold shower is going to get your ass up in the morning. We already talked about how they will scientifically increase your alertness, but science aside – if you have trouble getting up and pumped for the day, cold showers will change this.
15) And Then They Put You to Sleep
Ironically, while cold showers wake you up in the AM, cold therapy is one of the best ways to get an incredible nights sleep.Tim Ferris talks about cold therapy in The Four Hour Body, by taking a 10 minute ice bath. And I quote him:
    The result: it’s like getting hit with an elephant tranquilizer, even if the melatonin is omitted. Don’t expect it to be pleasant at first.
I agree with Tim’s findings. A cold shower at night puts me straight to bed.

Water has long been known for its healing properties and is considered to be the elixir of youth and beauty… keeping our skin young, firm and radiant. Among many other amazing benefits of water – its ability to eliminate toxins, to regenerate and improve overall health is paramount. Adding lemon to water not only quenches thirst better than any other beverage, but it also nourishes our body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements which we absolutely need. Lemon with water can be considered the best natural energy booster. When we wake up in the morning, our bodily tissues are dehydrated and are in need of water to push out toxins and rejuvenate the cells. In other words, this homemade “lemonade” helps eliminate internal toxins, regulating proper kidney and digestive tract functions by forcing them to work as smoothly as possible.

20 Unbelievable Reasons To Start Your Day With Water and Lemon

    1.Water with lemon provides the body with electrolytes which hydrate your body. As lemons contain good amount of electrolytes such as potassium, calcium and magnesium.
   2. Water with lemon is good for the joints, reducing pain in the joints and muscles.
    3.Warm water with lemon helps digestion as lemon contains citric acid. It interacts with other enzymes and acids which easily stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and digestion.
    4.The liver produces more enzymes from water with lemon than from any other food.
    5.Water with lemon cleanses the liver. Lemon juice stimulates the liver to release toxins.
    6.Water with Lemon helps fight infections of the respiratory tract, sore throats and inflammation of the tonsils. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of lemon.
    7.Warm water with lemon helps regulate natural bowel movement.
    8.Water with lemon is indispensable for the normal work of metabolism. Since lemon is a powerful antioxidant, it protects the body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system.
    9. Water with lemon aids in proper functioning of the nervous system (as lemon  has a high content of potassium). Depression and anxiety are often the result of low levels of potassium in the blood. The nervous system needs a sufficient amount of potassium to ensure sustainable signals to the heart.
    10.Water with lemon cleanses blood, blood vessels and arteries.
    11.Water with lemon can help lower blood pressure.  A daily intake of one lemon can reduce high blood pressure by 10%.
    12.Water with lemon creates an alkalizing effect in the body. Even if you drink it immediately before a meal,  it can help your body maintain a higher level of pH. The higher the pH, the more your body is able to fight diseases.
    13.Water with lemon is good for the skin. Vitamin C in lemon, improves our skin by rejuvenating the body.  Drinking water with lemon regularly (every morning) will improve the condition of your skin.
   14. Water with lemon  helps to dilute uric acid, the built up of which leads to pain in the joints and gout.
    15.Water with lemon is beneficial for pregnant women. Since lemons are loaded with Vitamin C, it acts as an adaptogen helping the body cope with viruses such as colds.  Furthermore, vitamin C helps the formation of bone tissue of the unborn baby. At the same time, due to the high content of potassium, a mixture of water with lemon helps forming cells of the brain and nervous system of the baby.
    16.Water with lemon relieves heartburn. For this, mix a teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water.
    17.Water with lemon helps dissolve gallstones,  kidney stones, pancreatic stones, and calcium deposits.
    18.Water with lemon helps with weight loss.  Lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps suppress hunger cravings. Studies have proven  people with a better alkaline diet have lost weight faster.
    19.Water with lemon helps with tooth pain and gingivitis.
    20.Water with lemon prevents cancer. This is due to the fact that lemons are a highly alkaline food. Multiple studies have found that cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

 How and when to drink water with lemon:

For this purpose, use warm purified or spring water. Take half a Cup of warm water without sugar and squeeze in there at least half of lemon or lime. Better to use a special juicer (to get the most juice with minimal effort). You can also use lemon essential oil.  (where to find)
You need to drink water with lemon first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Some recommend a drink of water one hour before meals for maximum results.
So, when life gives you a bunch of lemons, make water with lemons.
Sugarcane juice is the juice extracted from pressed sugarcane. It is consumed as a beverage in many places, especially where sugarcane is commercially grown such as Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent, Egypt, and Latin America.
Here are some 32 Benefits of Sugar cane juice
Remedy for Sore Throat :   Sugarcane Juice is considered as the best home remedy for the person having sore throat, flu or freezing.

Increases Muscle Power:  Sugarcane Juice provides natural glucose to the body necessary for maintaining the muscle power.

Rehydrates Body:    It removes weakness from the body by re-hydrating the body thus known as the instant body booster and used by the  athletes.

Prevents from Protein Loss :  
  It is useful for the person suffering from the fever and maintains the protein loss in the body.

Treats Jaundice:  
  Sugarcane Juice is very helpful for the person suffering from the jaundice and provides instant recovery from jaundice by maintaining the glucose level in the body.

Regulates Digestive System Functioning: 
   It is a very good energy drink for the well being of the digestive system.

Treats Constipation:    It also provides help in treating the constipation due to its high potassium level.

Promotes Wound Healing:    It has a type of sugar called as the sucrose which is a natural resource helps in wound healing as well as boosting the immune system.

Strengthens Major Body Organs:  
   It assists to a great level in strengthening the major organs such as the eyes, stomach, heart, kidneys, mind, sex organs and etc if used regularly.

Prevents from Heart Diseases:
    It also prevents from the heart diseases and strokes as it decreases the bad body cholesterol level and triglycerides.

Contains All Essential Nutrients:    Sugarcane juice has all the required vitamins and minerals having precious health benefits for the person suffering various diseases.

Treats various Diseases:
    Sugarcane juice helps in treating the dysuria (burning sensation while passing urine), prostatitis, kidney stones, STD (sexually transmitted disease), urinary tract infections and etc if taken with lime juice or coconut water.
It also assists in other problems like high acidity, cystitis, enlarged prostate, gonorrhea, nephritis and etc.

Prevents from Cancer:  
  Sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature thus helps in fighting from the various type of cancer like prostate and breast cancer.

Promotes Bone Growth:    Sugarcane juice is helpful in the growth and development of the bones because of its calcium and phosphorous contents.

Prevents from Anemia:    Ganna ras is very useful to the person suffering from the anemia as it has good amount of the iron which enhances the Hb level in the body.

Rich Source of Antioxidants:
    Sugarcane juice has an antioxidant property because of its flavonoid and phenolic compounds availability which works as an anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-allergic, anti-tumor agents and prevents body from various diseases accordingly.

Prevents from DNA Damage:    Its antioxidants property protects us from the radiation induced DNA damage as well as from the oxidative degradation of the cellular lipids or fats. It also fights with the free radicals and prevents ageing.

Rich Source of Live Enzymes:    Freshly prepared juice of the sugarcane has different live enzymes as well as nutrients which gets absorbed by the body and nourishes the body.

Treats Kidney Disorders:    Drinking fresh sugar cane juice in enough amount helps in treating kidney disorders and other urinary problems.

 Benefits of Sugarcane Juice for Liver/in Jaundice
Sugarcane juice is very beneficial for the major organ of the body called liver as it helps in treating the jaundice which is a liver function disorder. Jaundice causes yellow pigmentation of the skin and skin membranes because of the increased level of bile pigment called bilirubin. Bile pigment level increases due to poor liver functions or obstructed bile ducts. During jaundice, it has become very necessary to bring bilirubin level up to the normal as well as normalize the liver functioning which requires lots of medicine and home remedies.

To get fast recovery from the jaundice and liver functioning disorders, sugarcane juice acts as a best home remedy for such ailments. Some of the benefits are mentioned below:

Strengthens Liver:    It acts as natural high energetic drink having refined sugar of low glycemic index which helps in strengthening the liver.

Treats Acidity  :  This juice is alkaline in nature which helps in maintaining the acid-base balance and treating acidity.

Maintains Protein in Body:    It fulfills the requirement of protein which was lost during the jaundice fever.
provides Fast Recovery

   Fast Recovery: It provides faster recover from the jaundice if taken a glass of sugarcane juice 2-3 times a day.

Boosts Immune System:    Ganna juice has lots of antioxidants which makes body immune system stronger to fight against liver infections as well as normalizes the bilirubin level.

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice for Weight Loss

Reduces Weight
    As sugarcane juice reduces the bad cholesterol level in the body and has natural sugar thus helps in reducing the weight.
    Its high soluble fibers content aids a lot in the weight management strategy.

Removes Body Toxins
    Sugarcane juice cleanses our  body, improves the metabolism and detoxifies our body by eliminating all the toxins from the body which aids a lot in the gradual weight loss process.

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice for Diabetes

Maintains Sugar Level
It is a natural sweetener which does not require other sugar to make it sweet thus beneficial for the diabetic person which does not involves in the disturbing the sugar levels.

Has Low Glycemic Index
    Sugarcane juice is very beneficial for the for diabetic patients as it has very low glycemic index.

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice During Pregnancy

Increases Hb Level and Prevents Baby from Birth Defects

    Because of its iron and folates contents it is very beneficial for the pregnant women. It enhances the Hb level in the pregnant women as well as prevents the unborn baby from variety of birth defects.

Benefits of Sugarcane Juice for Skin

Prevents from Ageing

    Sugarcane juice has antioxidant property as it has flavonoids and phenolic compounds which makes the skin healthy, shiny, soft, supple, fair as well as prevents from early ageing and wrinkles.

Moisturizes the Skin

    Ganna ras rehydrate and moisturize the body thus makes the skin soft and bright.

Nutritional Benefits of Sugarcane Juice per 1 oz (28.35 g)

(Source: USDA Nutrient database)

Protein: 0.20 g
Water: 0.19 g
Ash: 0.66 g
Fat: 0.09 g
Total Calories: 111. 43
Total Carbohydrates: 27.40 g   Sugar: 25.71 g

Riboflavin: 0.16 mg
Niacin: 0.20 mg
Pantothenic Acid: 0.09 mg

Iron: 0.57 mg
Magnesium: 2.49 mg
Calcium: 32.57 mg
Phosphorus: 0.01 mg
Potassium: 162.86 mg
Manganese: 0.09 mg
Copper: 0.09 mg

Disadvantages of Sugarcane Juice

    As sugarcane juice has a lot of health benefits, it also has various health risks because of its unhygienic conditions it is prepared in. Sugarcane juice is considered as a best culture medium for the various microorganisms. That’s why it is recommended that drink only fresh juice or the one kept in the freeze. Never drink already made juice or the juice kept outside the freeze.
    The person may be infected with the Chagas disease if he drinks sugarcane juice from the roadside stalls. Drinking sugarcane juice from such places may also be contaminated with the feces of insect vector which may lead to the serious health hazards.
    Mostly the engines used to crush the sugarcane are used a lot of oil to get moved easily. These oils have harmful effects on the health.

How much Sugarcane Juice should you Drink a Day
Having sugarcane juice on daily basis depends on the individual need and health of the body. A person suffering from jaundice can take more than one glass a day of sugarcane juice (according to the doctor advice) but in limit as it may cause some infections. However one to two cup of sugarcane juice is enough for a normal and healthy person.

Watermelon is an extremely popular fruit. While we all enjoy eating this sweet refreshing fruit, we usually discard the tiny seeds scattered in it without realizing or rather knowing of their health benefits. These seeds are loaded with nutrients including fatty acids, essential proteins and lots of minerals. These seeds are rich in vitamin B like thiamine, niacin, folate and minerals like magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus and copper. Besides, they are a great source of calories with 100 grams of watermelon seeds providing around 600 grams of calories.Watermelon seeds, are used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines.  Roasted watermelon seeds are served as a snack or used to garnish salads. In Nigeria they are used in certain soups. Watermelon seed oil is extracted from these seeds which is beneficial for your hair and skin. To say the least, watermelon seeds are edible and can be a healthy option.
As stated earlier, watermelon seeds are a rich source of nutrients and minerals and therefore, should not be discarded. These seeds have a hard outer covering so they should be chewed before swallowing to get their nutritional content. Some of the health benefits of watermelon seeds are given below.

1. Your body requires amino acids but there are some essential amino acids such as arginine and lysine which the body cannot produce on its own and these have to be provided from food sources. Watermelon seeds contain some of these essential amino acids such as tryptophan and glutamic acids. Lysine helps in calcium absorption to facilitate formation of collagen and connective tissues in the body whereas arginine improves the body’s metabolism, cardiovascular system and sexual health.

2. Watermelon seeds are good sources of magnesium with 100 grams of seeds providing 139 percent of the recommended daily requirement. Magnesium is vital for normal heart functioning, maintenance of normal blood pressure, supporting metabolic process and protein synthesis. It is also beneficial in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and hypertension besides controlling blood pressure and diabetes.
3. Watermelon seeds contain lycopene which is good for your face and also helps in improving male fertility.

4. These seeds are excellent sources of multivitamin B and can replace some of the supplements. Vitamin B present in watermelon seeds comprises of niacin, folate, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and pantothenic acid. B vitamins are vital for maintaining healthy blood, nervous system and effective immune response.

5. These seeds can be used for treating diabetes. Boil a handful of watermelon seeds in 1 liter water for 45 minutes, keeping the pot covered. This concoction should be taken every day like tea.

6. Watermelon seeds are effective in recovering health after illness and sharpening your memory.

7. Almost half of the watermelon seed contains oil which comprises of 20 percent saturated fat and the rest monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat including omega-6 fatty acids. One cup of dried watermelon seeds contains around 50 grams of fat which constitutes about 80 percent of the daily recommended value. Thus, watermelon seeds are an important source of calories and energy.
8. Protein deficiency is quite common, leading to diseases like marasmus and kwashiorkor in poorer countries of the world. Being high in protein, watermelon seeds can be extremely beneficial in combating protein deficiencies. One cup of dried seeds provides about 30 grams of protein. Protein and its amino acids are vital for growth and repair of muscles, skin and connective tissues as well as for making enzymes. Protein is also required for the maintenance of long and strong nails.
Skin Benefits of Watermelon Seeds:

In addition to their health benefits, watermelon seeds are good for your skin as well.  Being rich in nourishing nutrients such as unsaturated fatty acids like oleic and linoleum acids, watermelon seeds keep your skin healthy and glowing from inside. Some of their benefits for skin are as follows.

9. The unsaturated fatty acids in watermelon seeds keep the skin moisturized, soft, firm, well-toned and prevent acne and other skin disorders.

10. Watermelon seeds prevent signs of ageing because they contain antioxidants and oils which make your skin look younger, healthier and more vibrant. These benefits can be observed by consuming a handful or two of watermelon seeds a week.
11. Water melon seed oil, also known as Ootanga oil or Kalahari oil is extremely beneficial for your skin. Being light in texture, it does not clog skin pores, thus allowing your skin to function naturally and is a great moisturizer. Due to its excellent moisturizing properties, watermelon seed oil is used as an essential ingredient in baby oils.

12. Watermelon seed oil also removes sebum, dirt and grease that build up in your skin pores and are responsible for causing acne and giving a dull appearance to your skin. This oil is suitable for all skin types including dry, oily, acne prone and maturing skin.

13. Watermelon seed extract locks moisture, thus combating the ageing degradation. It also rejuvenates the elasticity of your skin.

14. The wide array of nutrients contained in watermelon seeds protects your skin from certain types of skin cancers and infections as well.
                           Hair Benefits of Watermelon Seeds

As stated earlier, watermelon seeds have a high content of protein in them which can keep your hair healthy and shiny. This protein contains certain essential amino acids such as lysine, arginine, tryptophan and glutamic acid which are needed by your body to keep your hair healthy and strong.

15. Roasted watermelon seeds contain copper which is involved in the production of melanin. As you know, melanin is a pigment that provides color to your hair and skin.
16. In addition to its skin benefits, watermelon seed oil can also be used for your tresses. As pointed out earlier, this oil is light in texture that gets absorbed easily without clogging the pores of your scalp. It provides moisturizing benefits and improves hair growth by maintaining hair and scalp health.

17. Watermelon seed oil provides the hair with essential fatty acids which are needed by your hair to prevent breakage and keep it moisturized.

Watermelon (citrullus lanatus) is a member of gourd family (Cucurbitaceae), a plant family which also includes cucumber, squash, and pumpkin that grow on vines on the ground. The melons which are either classified as fruit or vegetable are believed to be originated in southern Africa and now are widely grown across many tropical regions.There are over 500 varieties of watermelons throughout the world, ranging in weights (from one pound to more than two hundred pounds), shapes (from globular to oblong) and colors (red, yellow, orange, or white flesh).
The watermelon contains about ninety percent of water and the pulp is sweet, making it a favorite thirst-quenching fruit. Apart from that, watermelon is considered as one of the world’s healthiest foods because it has no fats and has fewer amounts of calories. One cup of watermelon has just 46 calories, so it’s also an excellent food for weight loss.
In addition, watermelons are rich in many essential nutrient like vitamin A, B1, B6 & C, pantothenic acid, biotin, potassium, and magnesium. In red watermelon also contains a powerful carotenoid antioxidant known as lycopene (plant pigment that responsible for the red color of watermelon, tomatoes, and pink guavas). These powerful antioxidants help to neutralize free radicals that can lead to inflammation, general sickness and chronic illnesses such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer.

Here are some health benefits of watermelon:
    1.Fight Cancer
    The lypocene in watermelon has been found to be effective in preventing cancers, particularly breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and endometrial cancer. A study conducted by Harvard University found that men who ate lycopene-rich diet had a lower risk of developing certain cancers, especially prostate cancer than those who did not.
    2.Relieve Kidney Disorders
    Watermelon is a good source of potassium, which is very helpful in cleaning off the toxic depositions in the kidneys. Moreover, it is helpful in reducing concentration of uric acid in the blood, thereby reducing the chances of kidney damages.
    3.Reduce High Blood Pressure
    As watermelons are rich in potassium and magnesium, they help in controlling blood pressure and maintaining the body’s proper electrolyte and acid-base balance.
   4. Improves Eye Health
    Watermelons are an excellent source of vitamin A and beta carotene, which help improve overall eye health. Eating watermelon can also prevent age related macular degeneration (AMD), the major cause of vision loss in older people.
    5.Reduce Heart Disease Risk
    Apart from protective cancers, lycopene in watermelon also provide cardiovascular benefits. Researchers found that women who consumed 7-10 servings of lycopene-rich diets every week had 29% lower risk of heart disease when compared with women who ate less than 1.5 servings of lycopene-rich diets each week. Watermelon also contains the amino acids citrulline and arginine, which can help promote arteries, blood flow, and overall heart health.
   6. Boosts the Immune System
    Vitamin C in watermelon can help boost the immune system, which in turn help protect your body from various illness and infections.
  7.  Treats Erectile Dysfunction (Impotence)
    Arginine present in water melon is beneficial in treating erectile dysfunction. Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has. While watermelon may not be as organ-specific as Viagra, it is a best way to relax blood vessels without the side effects of prescription drugs. A study of 50 men with impotence reported significant improved sexual function after they were given arginine supplementation.
  8:  Aid in Energy Production

    Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin B6 and vitamin B1, which are necessary for energy production.
  9:  Promote Weight Loss

    Watermelon is low in calories and high in water content, hence it is a perfect snack for people looking to lose weight.
    10.Prevent Osteoporosis
    Watermelon is rich in magnesium, a nutrient known to help strengthen the bone, thereby beneficial in preventing osteoporosis.
   11. Reduce Blood Sugar
    Minerals such as potassium and magnesium help in proper functioning of insulin in the body, thus reducing the blood sugar level. Arginine, another component found in water melons also has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in patients with type 2 diabetes.
    12.Keep Body Hydrated
    Since watermelon contains high water content – 92 percent water, it can help to replenish body fluids. Also, watermelons help in providing a cooling effect in your body. So it’s the best refreshing snack option during the hot summer season. By having watermelons, you can keep your body hydrated and healthy.

When choosing a watermelon, look at the red watermelon because lycopene is found only in this varieties. The redder the watermelon, the more lycopene it contains.
Headaches can range from nagging to debilitating. Here are 21 tricks and tips that can help you head off that ache—naturally.
What's that pain?
Anyone who's ever had a headache (and that's 90% of the entire population, according to some estimates) knows that they can range from nagging to debilitating. The most common type is a tension headache, a mild, constricting feeling around your head that's often caused by holding your neck in a tight position. Migraines, on the other hand, tend to be both intense and recurring. Medication is one way to treat your discomfort, but there are also plenty of natural ways—like the 21 tricks listed here—that can help you head off the ache.
Headaches are often a sign that your body needs a break, says Elizabeth Loder, MD, chief of the headache and pain division at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and President of the American Headache Society. "Many people are very busy and are reluctant to take the time, but if you consider the tradeoff of spending 10 minutes to close the blinds, lie down, and relax when you feel a headache forming, that might be better use of your time than being incapacitated later on after it gets worse," she says.

Mark W. Green, MD, director of the Center for Headache and Pain Medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, agrees. He recommends lying down in a dark, well-ventilated room. If you can, he adds, try to sleep for an hour or so. "Rather than fighting sleep and making things worse, this can be a great treatment."
Eat small, frequent meals
If you haven't eaten anything in a while, that aching or fuzzy feeling may be a result of low blood sugar. In this case, eating something right away could nip the nagging sensation in the bud. Some research suggests that foods rich in magnesium, such as spinach, tofu, olive oil, or sunflower or pumpkin seeds, may be especially helpful.
In general, Dr. Green advises his headache patients to graze on small meals throughout the day, rather than three large ones at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. "This way your blood sugar stays more consistent and you won't experience those types of crashes."
Ice your forehead
Lying down with a chilly wet washcloth or cold compress over your forehead or eyes may provide temporary relief from a nagging headache, and may even help it disappear completely, says Dr. Loder. "You can also make little ice popsicles in the freezer and rub the forehead or temples for up to 10 minutes," she says. Many people think that ice dulls pain by shrinking blood vessels, but Dr. Loder says that in the case of headaches, it's more likely a "counterirritation" effect: "If your brain is paying attention to the cold stimulus, it's not paying attention to the pain." But regardless of how it works, she says, it can be a useful and effective ritual for people who have recurring head pain.
Take a hot shower
People tend to prefer cold over heat when it comes to topical headache treatments, but sometimes a steamy shower may be just what you need, says Dr. Green. "People who wake up with head pain—and that's not rare, by the way—often try to stay in bed and pretend it's not real, or hope that it will go away." That almost never works, he says. What can help is getting your day started with a cup of coffee (if you're a regular coffee drinker), a bit of breakfast, and a hot shower to wake you up. If your headache is related to a cold or sinus pressure, he adds, the moist, warm air can clear your nasal passages as well.
Get a massage
One of the most low-tech and old-fashioned ways to treat a headache is still one of the most effective, says Dr. Loder. "Many people find that gentle pressure on the temples can, at least temporarily, relieve pain." In fact, any type of rubdown may help relieve or prevent headaches. In a study from New Zealand, migraine sufferers had less frequent pain and slept better during weeks they received massages than others who didn't. And a 2010 Spanish study found that patients with recurring tension headaches reported better psychological states, reduced stress, and fewer symptoms within 24 hours after receiving a 30-minute massage.
Try acupressure
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine practices, applying pressure to a point on the hand between the thumb and index finger can help relieve headache pain. Simply squeeze the indentation between the two digits with the thumb and index finger of your opposite hand and massage in a circular motion for five minutes, then switch hands. "It's certainly a harmless thing to try, and at the very least it's a distraction from the pain," says Dr. Loder, who adds that it may also he helpful to rub ice on this spot for a few minutes. You could also try acupuncture. The technique, which uses long needles inserted into the skin to stimulate trigger points throughout the body, has been shown to help prevent migraines as well as frequent tension-type headaches.
Go easy on the alcohol
This may be the most obvious one of the bunch, at least to anyone who's ever had one too many cocktails and answered for it the next day. The most significant factor is how drunk you get, though research suggests that darker liquors may make hangovers worse. Dehydration also plays a role, so be sure to sip water along with your beverage of choice.
For people who are sensitive to headaches or migraines, however, even just a small amount of alcohol can trigger a painful attack, says Dr. Green. "Anyone will get a headache if they drink a whole bottle of wine, but there are lots of people who will get a headache just from one glass,” Dr. Green says. “For those people, it's all about learning to recognize their triggers and knowing when to stop."
Stay hydrated
Headache is one of the first signs of dehydration. To make sure you're drinking enough fluids, try to consume them throughout the day, rather than just guzzling them down at meal times or during periods of heavy physical activity, suggests Dr. Green. Institute of Medicine guidelines say that adults should consume between 11 and 15 cups of water a day, but that also counts liquid from other sources—like low-calorie liquids (tea and skim or low-fat milk, for example) as well as fruits and vegetables. Even moderate coffee consumption contributes to your daily fluid intake; a 2014 study published in PLoS One debunked the long-standing theory that its caffeine content contributed to dehydration.
Maintain a healthy weight
Being significantly overweight may increase a person's chances of having recurring migraines, according to a 2013 study from Johns Hopkins University. The finding was especially true for women, white people, and those 50 and younger. "We also know that being obese can turn episodic headaches into chronic headaches," says Dr. Green. "It's one of the major risk factors we worry about.” Losing weight through diet and regular exercise—or keeping your weight healthy if you're already there—can go a long way in preventing headaches from happening more frequently.
Keep stress levels low
According to a 2014 German study, the more stress you have in your life, the more headaches you're likely to get. Participants ranked their stress levels from one to 100, and also reported the frequency and types of headaches they experienced. For every increase of 10 points on the stress scale, the average number of headaches per month increased 6.3% for tension headaches and 4.3% for migraines. "Psychological stress can cause all kinds of physical tension that you may not even be aware of," explains Dr. Loder. She recommends taking frequent breaks from stressful situations and relaxing with something you enjoy. "It can be yoga, meditation, or a hobby of some sort, like gardening—whatever you find to be calming and that takes your mind off of your worries."
Have some caffeine (but not too much)
"Having a cup of coffee at the first sign of a headache is an old trick, because caffeine has a mild [painkilling] effect and can be very useful in the early stages," says Dr. Loder. "But it's important to not overdo it, because you can build up a tolerance for it." Caffeine is a double-edge sword, she explains: If you consume too much, too regularly, you will experience withdrawal on the days you don't get it. "Keep your regular intake fairly low so that when you need it intermittently you can pull it out as a secret weapon," she says. "If you're regularly drinking six or seven cups a day, you're kidding yourself if you think an extra one is going to do you any good."
Take computer breaks
Eyestrain on its own isn’t usually a cause of bad headaches, says Dr. Loder, but she believes that spending long hours in front of a computer can make people more susceptible to them. "It hasn't been well studied, but having talked with many patients, I believe that very prolonged and intense periods of mental concentration can contribute to headaches," she says. Paying attention to ergonomics at your workspace can help reduce strain on the neck, she says, and taking frequent breaks—every 30 minutes or so, to stretch and look away from your computer screen—can reduce eyestrain and muscle stiffness.
Stay out of the sun
Heading to the beach on a sunny summer afternoon? Pack plenty of fluids and a beach umbrella if you're prone to migraines. According to a 2009 Harvard University study, a person's risk of having a severe headache goes up 7.5% for every 5-degree-Celsius rise in temperature. "Bright sunlight, heat, and dehydration probably all play a role in this type of pain,” says Dr. Green. Wearing sunglasses can help, he says, as can seeking shade—or air conditioning—when you feel yourself getting overheated.
Exercise regularly
A vigorous workout while you're in the throes of a bad headache may not be a good idea, and in fact, an increased pulse may actually make the pressure or the pounding worse, says Dr. Green. But during the times you're headache-free, regular exercise is a good way to help you stay that way. One 2009 Swedish study found that migraine patients experienced fewer and less intense headache episodes after they adopted a regular cycling routine. Other research has suggested that yoga can also help prevent headaches, although Dr. Loder recommends taking caution with hot yoga classes if high temperatures are a known trigger for you.
Spit out your gum
Chronic gum-chewing can contribute to stress on your jaw, suggests a 2014 study from Tel Aviv University. TMJ has been linked to head pain, and researchers found that out of 30 teenage and adolescent participants, 26 saw their headache symptoms improve when they gave up their daily gum-chewing habit. "I'm sure that any sort of prolonged intense muscular contraction in the head or neck region probably could provoke a headache," says Dr. Loder. Her patients often complain about visiting the dentist, she adds, because keeping their mouths open for so long can give them headaches as well.
Watch out for food triggers
People who get migraines are often told to avoid certain foods, like aged cheese or cured meats made with preservatives, but there's not a lot of hard evidence behind these claims, says Dr. Loder. "It's a very difficult thing to study, because it's hard to disguise from people what they are eating, and their expectations and prior beliefs can play a big role in whether they actually get headaches," she explains. That being said, Dr. Loder does encourage her patients to pay attention to their dietary choices and to look for patterns that may be associated with headaches. "It's different for everyone, and if you find something that works or doesn't work for you, then by all means, do that." If you suspect certain foods are causing your headaches, try eliminating them and then reintroducing them to your diet one at a time.
Avoid highly stimulating situations
Another common cause of migraines is anything that's too bright, fast, or flashy, says Dr. Loder: "Loud noise, busy patterns, strong perfumes, watching an action movie in a dark theater—these are all pretty well known headache triggers for some people." Your best bet is to try to avoid these types of situations when possible.The silver lining, however, may be a 2013 study published in the journal Neurology that found that these common triggers may not be as strong as migraine sufferers think they are. When patients exercised vigorously for an hour and were also exposed to bright or flickering light (all commonly suspected migraine triggers), only 22% developed migraines.
Ride in the front seat
Headaches often go along with motion sickness, especially for people who are prone to queasiness or migraines. And you don't have to be in a boat or on an airplane, says Dr. Loder: Carsickness is quite common. Motion sickness remedies like Dramamine or supplements containing ginger may help, but so can something as simple as riding in the front seat so you have a good view of the road. "Notice that the driver's never the one who gets sick," says Dr. Loder. "The quickest way to get a headache is to sit in the back." Don't try to read or watch videos, either, she says; this causes an internal disagreement between your eyes and your ears, which can disrupt balance and cause nausea and headaches.
Keep a regular schedule
"Migraines don't like change, and it's often when you've deviated from your normal routine that they tend to occur," says Dr. Green. One of the most common triggers, in fact, is getting too little sleep. A large 2005 study published in the journal Headache found that people who slept an average of six hours a night tended to have significantly more severe and frequent episodes than those who routinely got more shuteye; they also reported more headaches in the morning upon awakening. Don't go too far in the other direction, though: "Too much sleep can also be a trigger if you're altering your regular schedule," says Dr. Green. Your best bet is keeping a consistent bedtime and wake time—yes, even on the weekends.
Use biofeedback
This technique uses electronic sensors to monitor muscle tension, skin temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure, and aims to teach patients how to control these normally automatic body functions. A 2011 Wake Forest University study found that over time, behavioral therapies like biofeedback are more cost-effective than prescription drugs for recurring headaches. "Biofeedback doesn't necessarily make you less stressed, but it unlinks the stress from your body's physiological response to it," says Dr. Green. Don't like the idea of being hooked up to electrodes? Consider cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, in which you might learn relaxation strategies such as meditation and deep breathing.
Consider vitamins
Some research has suggested that certain dietary supplements and vitamins may be helpful in preventing recurring headaches, although different options seem to work for different people. Daily doses of butterbur (also known as Petasites root) were shown to cut migraine frequency in half in one Albert Einstein College of Medicine study; similar results were also found for vitamin B2, or riboflavin, in a German clinical trial. Coenzyme Q10, a vitamin found in meats and seafood, and the mineral magnesium have also been shown to decrease headache frequency. Before taking any new supplement, however, talk to your doctor to be sure it's safe for your specific medical situation.
To date, there are over 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Coconut oil benefits and uses go beyond what most people realize.
Research has finally uncovered the secrets to this amazing fruit; namely healthy fats called medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), these unique fats include:
  • Caprylic acid
  • Lauric acid
  • Capric acid
And around 62% of the oils in coconut are made up of these 3 healthy fatty acids and 91% of the fat in coconut oil is healthy saturated fat.
Most of the fats that we consume take longer to digest, but MCFAs found in coconut oil provide the perfect source of energy because they only have to go through a 3 step process to be turned into fuel vs. other fats go through a 26 step process!
Unlike long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs) found in plant based oils, MCFAs are:
  • Easier to digest
  • Not readily stored as fat
  • Are anti-microbial and anti-fungal
  • Smaller in size, allowing easier cell permeability for immediate energy
  • Processed by the liver, which means that they are immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as fat

1.Skin care: Coconut oil is excellent massage oil that acts as an effective moisturizer on all types of skin, including dry skin. Unlike mineral oil, there is no chance of having any adverse side effects on the skin from the application of coconut oil. Therefore, it is a safe solution for preventing dryness and flaking of skin. It also delays the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of skin, which normally accompany aging.
It helps in preventing degenerative diseases premature aging due to its well-known antioxidant properties. It also helps in treating various skin problems including psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections. For that exact reason, coconut oil forms the base ingredient of various body care products like soaps, lotions, and creams that are used for skin care.
2.Hair care: Coconut oil helps in healthy growth of hair and gives your hair a shiny quality. It is also highly effective in reducing protein loss, which can lead to various unattractive or unhealthy qualities in your hair. It is used as hair care oil and is used in manufacturing various conditioners and dandruff relief creams. It is normally applied topically for hair care.
Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care. It is an excellent conditioner and helps the re-growth process of damaged hair. It also provides the essential proteins required for nourishing and healing damaged hair. Research studies indicate that coconut oil provides better protection to hair from damage caused by hygral fatigue.
By regularly massaging your head with coconut oil, you can ensure that your scalp is free of dandruff, even if your scalp is chronically dry. It also helps in keeping your hair and scalp free from lice and lice eggs.

3.Heart diseases: There is a misconception spread among many people that coconut oil is not good for heart health. This is because it contains a large quantity of saturated fats. In reality, it is beneficial for the heart. It contains about 50% lauric acid, which helps in actively preventing various heart problems like high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Coconut oil does not lead to increase in LDL levels, and it reduces the incidence of injury and damage to arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis. Study suggests that intake of coconut oil may help to maintain healthy lipid profiles in pre-menopausal women.

4.Weight loss: Coconut oil is very useful for weight loss. It contains short and medium-chain fatty acids that help in taking off excessive weight. Research suggests that coconut oil helps to reduce abdominal obesity in women. It is also easy to digest and it helps in healthy functioning of the thyroid and endocrine system. Further, it increases the body’s metabolic rate by removing stress on the pancreas, thereby burning more energy and helping obese and overweight people lose the weight. Hence, people living in tropical coastal areas, who use coconut oil every day as their primary cooking oil, are normally not fat, obese or overweight.

5.Immunity: It strengthens the immune system because it contains antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid, which have antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin which research has supported as an effective way to deal with viruses and bacteria that cause diseases like herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus, and even HIV. Coconut oil helps in fighting harmful bacteria like listeria monocytogenes and helicobacter pylori, and harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.
6.Digestion: Internal functions of coconut oil occur primarily due to it being used as cooking oil. It helps to improve the digestive system and thus prevents various stomach and digestion-related problems including irritable bowel syndrome. The saturated fats present in coconut oil have antimicrobial properties and help in dealing with various bacteria, fungi, and parasites that can cause indigestion. It also helps in the absorption of other nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

7.Candida: Candida, also known as Systemic Candidiasis, is a tragic disease caused from excessive and uncontrolled growth of yeast called Candida Albicans in the stomach. Coconut provides relief from the inflammation caused by candida, both externally and internally. Its high moisture retaining capacity keeps the skin from cracking or peeling off. Capric acid, Caprylic acid, caproic acid, myristic acid and lauric acid found in coconut oil help in eliminating Candida albicans.
Further, unlike other pharmaceutical treatments for candida, the effects of coconut oil is gradual and not drastic or sudden, which gives the patient an appropriate amount of time to get used to the withdrawal symptoms or Herxheimer Reactions (the name given to the symptoms accompanying body’s rejection of toxins generated during elimination of these fungi). But, in the treatment of this condition, people should systematically and gradually increase their dosages of coconut oil and shouldn’t initially start with a large quantity.

 8.Healing and Infections: When applied to infected areas, coconut oil forms a chemical layer that protects the infected body part from external dust, air, fungi, bacteria and viruses. Coconut oil is highly effective on bruises because it speeds up the healing process of damaged tissues.
According to the Coconut Research Center, coconut oil kills the viruses that cause influenza, measles, hepatitis, herpes, SARS, and other serious health risks. It also kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, and gonorrhoea. Finally, coconut oil is also effective in the elimination of fungi and yeast that cause ringworm, athlete’s foot, thrush, and diaper rash.

9.Prevents Gum Disease and Tooth Decay
 Oil pulling with coconut oil has been used for centuries as a way to cleanse the mouth of bacteria and help heal periodontal disease. Coconut oil is one of the most effective oils for oil pulling due to it’s high concentration of antibacterial MCFA’s.
By swishing the oil in your mouth the oil denatures the bacteria and sticks to it. Removing oral bacteria greatly reduces your risk of periodontal disease. If you want to heal your gums and repair your teeth, I recommend coconut oil pulling 3x a week for 20 minutes a day.

10.Improves Memory and Brain Function
In a 2004 study published in the journal of Neurology of Aging, they found that the MCFA’s found in coconut oil improved the memory problems in their older subjects.
Across all the patients there was a marked improvement in their recall ability after taking this fatty acid. As the MCFA’s are absorbed easily in the body and can be accessed in the brain without the use of insulin, they are able to fuel brain cells more efficiently.

Other Benefits

Coconut oil is strongly recommended for a number of other benefits that are explained below. Using coconut oils has been shown to mildly help the following:
Liver: The presence of medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids helps in preventing liver diseases because those substances are easily converted into energy when they reach the liver, thus reducing the work load of the liver and also preventing accumulation of fat.
Kidney: It helps in preventing kidney and gall bladder diseases. It also helps to dissolve kidney stones.
Pancreatitis: Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in treating pancreatitis.
Stress relief: Coconut oil is very soothing and hence it helps in removing stress. Applying it to the head, followed by a gentle massage, helps to eliminate mental fatigue. According to research virgin coconut oil gives relief from stress and has antioxidant properties.
Diabetes: Coconut oil helps in controlling blood sugar, and improves the secretion of insulin. It also promotes the effective utilization of blood glucose, thereby preventing and treating diabetes.
Bones: As mentioned earlier, coconut oil improves the ability of our body to absorb important minerals. These include calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the development of bones. Thus, it is very useful to women who are prone to osteoporosis after middle age.
Dental care: Calcium is an important component of our teeth. Since coconut oil facilitates absorption of calcium by the body, it helps in developing strong teeth. It also stops tooth decay. Recent research suggests that coconut oil is beneficial in reducing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis.
HIV and cancer: It is believed that coconut oil plays an instrumental role in reducing a person’s viral susceptibility for HIV and cancer patients. Preliminary research has shown an indication of this effect of coconut oil on reducing the viral load of HIV patients.
Coconut oil is often used by athletes, body builders and by those who are dieting. The reason behind this being that it contains less calories than other oils, its fat content is easily converted into energy, and it does not lead to accumulation of fat in the heart and arteries. Coconut oil helps boost energy and endurance, and generally enhances the performance of athletes.
Coconut oil and Alzheimer’s disease: The research conducted by Dr. Newport states that the oil is useful in treating Alzheimer’s disease. Apart from this there is no scientific evidence or traditional knowledge of coconut oil being used for treating Alzheimer’s. In fact, it is not traditionally thought that the oil helps in boosting the function of the brain in any form.
Abdominal pain is pain that is felt in the part of the trunk below the ribs and above the pelvis.
Abdominal pain comes from organs within the abdomen or organs adjacent to the abdomen.
Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation, distention of an organ, or by loss of the blood supply to an organ. Abdominal pain in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may be caused by contraction of the intestinal muscles or hyper-sensitivity to normal intestinal activities.
Symptoms associated with abdominal pain may include:
    Gas (flatus, farting)
    Pain in the upper left or right; middle; or lower left or right abdomen
    GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease)
    Chest pain

The cause of abdominal pain is diagnosed on the basis of the characteristics of the pain, physical examination, and testing. Occasionally, surgery is necessary for diagnosis.

The diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain is challenging because the characteristics of the pain may be atypical, tests are not always abnormal, diseases causing pain may mimic each other, and the characteristics of the pain may change over time.

What is abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is pain that is felt in the abdomen. The abdomen is an anatomical area that is bounded by the lower margin of the ribs and diaphragm above, the pelvic bone (pubic ramus) below, and the flanks on each side. Although abdominal pain can arise from the tissues of the abdominal wall that surround the abdominal cavity (such as the skin and abdominal wall muscles), the term abdominal pain generally is used to describe pain originating from organs within the abdominal cavity. Organs of the abdomen include the stomach, small intestine, colon, liver, gallbladder, spleen, and pancreas.

Technically, the lowermost portion of the area described previously, is the pelvis, which contains the urinary bladderand rectum, as well as the prostate gland in men, and the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and ovaries in women. Often, it can be difficult to know if lower abdominal pain is coming from the lower abdomen or pelvis.

Occasionally, pain may be felt in the abdomen even though it is arising from organs that are close to, but not within, the abdominal cavity. For example, conditions of the lower lungs, the kidneys, and the uterus or ovaries can cause abdominal pain. On the other hand, it also is possible for pain from organs within the abdomen to be felt outside of the abdomen. For example, the pain of pancreatic inflammation may be felt in the back. These latter types of pain are called "referred" pain because the pain does not originate in the location that it is felt. Rather, the cause of the pain is located away from where it is felt (i.e., it is referred to a different area).

What causes abdominal pain?
Abdominal pain is caused by inflammation of an organ (for example, appendicitis, diverticulitis, colitis), by stretching or distention of an organ (for example, obstruction of the intestine, blockage of a bile duct by gallstones, swelling of the liver with hepatitis), or by loss of the supply of blood to an organ (for example, ischemic colitis).
To complicate matters, however, abdominal pain also can occur without inflammation, distention or loss of blood supply. An important example of this latter type of pain is the irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It is not clear what causes the abdominal pain in IBS, but it is believed to be due either to abnormal contractions of the intestinal muscles (for example, spasm) or abnormally sensitive nerves within the intestines that give rise to painful sensations inappropriately (visceral hyper-sensitivity). These latter types of pain are often referred to as functional pain because no recognizable specific abnormality to account for the causes of the pain have been found - at least not yet

When should I call my doctor about abdominal pain?
Some doctors suggest that if you have a "less serious" cause of abdominal pain (see above section on topic), especially if it is likely food poisoning (viral or bacterial) and you have had discomfort but are not dehydrated, you will likely not need medical care as the symptoms should resolve in about 24 to 48 hours. If you have a chronic problem that occasionally causes abdominal pain, most doctors suggest you contact the person treating you for the ailment for an appointment or prescription (refill). However, if you have any of the problems or symptoms listed in the "serious abdominal pain "section above, you should seek immediate medical care.
How is the cause of abdominal pain diagnosed?
Doctors determine the cause of abdominal pain by relying on:
    Characteristics, signs, and symptoms of the pain
    Findings on physical examination
    Laboratory, radiological, and endoscopic testing

Signs and symptoms associated with abdominal pain

The following information, obtained by taking a patient's history, is important in helping doctors determine the cause of pain:
    The way the pain begins: Abdominal pain that comes on suddenly suggests an acute event, for example, the interruption of the supply of blood to the colon (ischemia) or obstruction of the bile duct by a gallstone (biliary colic).
    The location of the pain: Appendicitis typically causes pain in the middle of the abdomen, and then moves to the right lower abdomen, the usual location of the appendix.
Diverticulitis typically causes pain in the left lower abdomen where most colonic diverticuli are located.
Pain from the gallbladder (biliary colic or cholecystitis) typically is felt in the middle, upper abdomen or the right upper abdomen near where the gallbladder is located.
The pattern of the pain:Obstruction of the intestine initially causes waves of crampy abdominal pain due to contractions of the intestinal muscles and distention of the intestine.
    True cramp-like pain suggests vigorous contractions of the intestines.
    Obstruction of the bile ducts by gallstones typically causes steady (constant) upper abdominal pain that lasts between 30 minutes and several hours.
    Acute pancreatitis typically causes severe, unrelenting, steady pain in the upper abdomen and upper back.
    The pain of acute appendicitis initially may start near the umbilicus, but as the inflammation progresses, the pain moves to the right lower abdomen.
    The character of pain may change over time. For example, obstruction of the bile ducts sometimes progresses to inflammation of the gallbladder with or without infection (acute cholecystitis). When this happens, the characteristics of the pain change to those of inflammatory pain. (See below.)
The duration of the pain:The pain of IBS typically waxes and wanes over months or years and may last for years or decades.
    Biliary colic lasts no more than several hours.
    The pain of pancreatitis lasts one or more days.
    The pain of acid-related diseases - gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or duodenal ulcers - typically show periodicity, that is, a period of weeks or months during which the pain is worse followed by periods of weeks or months during which the pain is better.
    Functional pain may show this same pattern of periodicity.
What makes the pain worse. Pain due to inflammation (appendicitis, diverticulitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis) typically is aggravated by sneezing, coughing or any jarring motion. Patients with inflammation as the cause of their pain prefer to lie still.
What relieves the pain:The pain of IBS and constipation often is relieved temporarily by bowel movements and may be associated with changes in bowel habit.
    Pain due to obstruction of the stomach or upper small intestine may be relieved temporarily by vomiting which reduces the distention that is caused by the obstruction.
        Eating or taking antacids may temporarily relieve the pain of ulcers of the stomach or duodenum because both food and antacids neutralize the acid that is responsible for irritating the ulcers and causing the pain.
        Pain that awakens patients from sleep is more likely to be due to non-functional causes and is more significant.
Other associated symptoms that accompany abdominal pain may suggest the following:
    The presence of fever suggests inflammation or infection.
    Diarrhea or rectal bleeding suggests an intestinal cause of the pain.
    The presence of fever and diarrhea suggest inflammation of the intestines that may be infectious or non-infectious.

Examinations to diagnose abdominal pain
Physical examination
Examining the patient will provide the doctor with additional clues to the cause of abdominal pain. The doctor will determine:
    The presence of sounds coming from the intestines that occur when there is obstruction of the intestines,
    The presence of signs of inflammation (by special maneuvers during the examination),
    The location of any tenderness
    The presence of a mass within the abdomen that     suggests a tumor, enlarged organ, or abscess (a collection of infected pus)
    The presence of blood in the stool that may signify an intestinal problem such as an ulcer, colon cancer, colitis, or ischemia.
For example:
    Finding tenderness and signs of inflammation in the left lower abdomen often means that diverticulitis is present, while finding a tender (inflamed) mass in the same area may mean that the inflammation has progressed and that an abscess has formed.
    Finding tenderness and signs of inflammation in the right lower abdomen often means that appendicitis is present, while finding a tender mass in the same area may mean that the inflammation has progressed and that an abscess has formed.
    Inflammation in the right lower abdomen, with or without a mass, also may be found in Crohn's disease. (Crohn's disease most commonly affects the last part of the small intestine, usually located in the right lower abdomen.)
    A mass without signs of inflammation may mean that a cancer is present.Exams and tests to diagnose abdominal pain
While the history and physical examination are vitally important in determining the cause of abdominal pain, testing often is necessary to determine the cause.
Laboratory tests.
 Laboratory tests such as the complete blood count (CBC), liver enzymes, pancreatic enzymes (amylase and lipase), pregnancy test and urinalysis are frequently performed in the evaluation of abdominal pain.
    An elevated white count suggests inflammation or infection (as with appendicitis, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, or colitis).
    A low red blood cell count may indicate a bleed in  the intestines.
    Amylase and lipase (enzymes produced by the pancreas) commonly are elevated in pancreatitis.
    Liver enzymes may be elevated with gallstone attacks or acute hepatitis.
    Blood in the urine suggests kidney stones.
    When there is diarrhea, white blood cells in the stool suggest intestinal inflammation or infection.
    A positive pregnancy test may indicate an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in the fallopian tube instead of the uterus).
Plain X-rays of the abdomen.
 Plain X-rays of the abdomen also are referred to as a KUB (because they include the kidney, ureter, and bladder). The KUB may show enlarged loops of intestines filled with copious amounts of fluid and air when there is intestinal obstruction. Patients with a perforated ulcer may have air escape from the stomach into the abdominal cavity. The escaped air often can be seen on a KUB on the underside of the diaphragm. Sometimes a KUB may reveal a calcified kidney stone that has passed into the ureter and resulted in referred abdominal pain or calcifications in the pancreas that suggests chronic pancreatitis
Abdominal ultrasound 
Abdominal ultrasound scanning is useful in diagnosing gallstones, cholecystitis appendicitis, or ruptured ovarian cysts as the cause of the pain.
Computerized tomography (CT) 
Computerized tomography (CT) of the abdomen is useful in diagnosing pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, appendicitis, and diverticulitis, as well as in diagnosing abscesses in the abdomen. Special CT scans of the abdominal blood vessels can detect diseases of the arteries that block the flow of blood to the abdominal organs.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful in diagnosing many of the same conditions as CT tomography.
Barium X-rays of the stomach and the intestines (upper gastrointestinal series or UGI with a small bowel follow-through) can be helpful in diagnosing ulcers, inflammation, and blockage in the intestines.
Computerized tomography (CT) of the small intestine can be helpful in diagnosing diseases in the small bowel such as Crohn's disease.
Capsule enteroscopy, uses a small camera the size of a pill swallowed by the patient, which can take pictures of the entire small bowel and transmit the pictures onto a portable receiver. The small bowel images can be downloaded from the receiver onto a computer to be inspected by a doctor later. Capsule enteroscopy can be helpful in diagnosing Crohn's disease, small bowel tumors, and bleeding lesions not seen on x-rays or CT scans.
Endoscopic procedures.
    Esophagogastroduodenoscopy or EGD is useful for detecting ulcers, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), or stomach cancer.
    Colonoscopy or flexible sigmoidoscopy is useful for diagnosing infectious colitis, ulcerative colitis, or colon cancer.
    Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) is useful for diagnosing pancreatic cancer or gallstones if the standard ultrasound or CT or MRI scans fail to detect them.
    Balloon enteroscopy, the newest technique allows endoscopes to be passed through the mouth or anus and into the small intestine where small intestinal causes of abdominal pain or bleeding can be diagnosed, biopsied, and treated.
Surgery. Sometimes, diagnosis requires examination of the abdominal cavity either by laparoscopy or surgery.

IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and diagnosing abdominal pain
As previously discussed, the pain of irritable bowel syndrome is due either to abnormal intestinal muscle contractions or visceral hypersensitivity. Generally, abnormal muscle contractions and visceral hypersensitivity are much more difficult to diagnose than other diseases causing abdominal pain, particularly since there are no typical abnormalities on physical examination or the usual diagnostic tests. The diagnosis is based on the history (typical symptoms) and the absence of other causes of abdominal pain

Why can diagnosis of the cause of abdominal pain be difficult?
Modern advances in technology have greatly improved the accuracy, speed, and ease of establishing the cause of abdominal pain, but significant challenges remain. There are many reasons why diagnosing the cause of abdominal pain can be difficult. They are:

    Symptoms may be atypical. For example, the pain of appendicitis sometimes is located in the right upper abdomen, and the pain of diverticulitis is on the right side. Elderly patients and patients taking corticosteroids may have little or no pain and tenderness when there is inflammation, for example, with cholecystitis or diverticulitis. This occurs because corticosteroids reduce the inflammation.
    Tests are not always abnormal.
        Ultrasound examinations can miss gallstones, particularly small ones.
        CT scans may fail to show pancreatic cancer, particularly small ones.
        The KUB can miss the signs of intestinal obstruction or stomach perforation.
        Ultrasounds and CT scans may fail to demonstrate appendicitis or even abscesses, particularly if the abscesses are small.
        The CBC and other blood tests may be normal despite severe infection or inflammation, particularly in patients receiving corticosteroids or other drugs that suppress the immune system.

    Diseases can mimic one another.
        IBS symptoms can mimic bowel obstruction, cancer, ulcer, gallbladder attacks, or even appendicitis.
        Crohn's disease can mimic appendicitis.
        Infection of the right kidney can mimic acute cholecystitis.
        A ruptured right ovarian cyst can mimic appendicitis; while a ruptured left ovarian cyst can mimic diverticulitis.
        Kidney stones can mimic appendicitis or diverticulitis.
    The characteristics of the pain may change. Examples discussed previously include the extension of the inflammation of pancreatitis to involve the entire abdomen and the progression of biliary colic to cholecystitis.
What are home remedies for certain causes of abdominal pain?

If you are unsure that your abdominal pain requires medical evaluation, contact your doctor before using any home remedies.

    Common home remedies for abdominal pain are:

        eating less food,
        taking small amounts of baking soda,
        using lemon and/or lime juice, and
        starting a BRAT diet (banana, rice, applesauce and toast) for a day or so.
        Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Some health care professionals recommend:
    Taking ginger
    Chamomile tea
    Medications such as bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol), loperamide (Imodium), ranitidine (Zantac) and other over-the-counter substances

Some of these listed above may help reduce symptoms, but if symptoms persist, seek medical help. Beware of "cures" advertised for abdominal pains as a single treatment that can cure all types of this problem does not exist.

Taking aspirin or NSAIDs should be avoided until the cause of the pain is diagnosed because the medications could make some causes worse (for example, peptic ulcers, intestinal bleeding)

What medications can be used to treat certain causes of abdominal pain?

Medications that are used to treat the underlying cause(s) of abdominal pain are the medications of choice. For example, medications are not needed to treat simple viral gastroenteritis, while surgery and/or chemotherapy may be the best approach to treat certain cancers in the abdomen. Other causes may require antispasmodics, antimicrobial, H2 blockers, or even nitrates or morphine. The diagnosed cause usually narrows the choice of medications. A few causes can only be treated by surgery (for example appendicitis, hernia [incarcerated], and certain abdominal injuries), although some medications may be used (for example, morphine) while the person is awaiting surgery.

What lifestyle choices can I make to prevent abdominal pain?
Lifestyle changes really depend on the cause of the abdominal pain.
    Good hygiene, especially hand washing and avoiding materials and foods contaminated with viruses and bacteria will reduce your chances of developing illness and abdominal pain from many infectious causes.
For other specific suggestions, the reader should determine what is suggested to prevent or reduce the chance of getting one of the many specific causes of abdominal pain presented in this article.
Eat a good diet, exercise, and avoid smoking and excess alcohol consumption to reduce the chances that you will experience certain causes of abdominal pain.


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