Cabbage is a high-fiber vegetable that is also high in calcium, magnesium, and potassium. According to nutritional authorities, it  also contain vitamins C, thiamine, niacin, and folate. Additionally, it may be a good source of antioxidants such as flavonoids, zeaxanthin, lutein, choline, and beta-carotene.
According to the USDA, 100 g of raw cabbage has about 25 calories, making it a popular low-calorie choice. Cooking the vegetable somewhat reduces its calorie content. 100 g of cooked veggie has about 23 calories.
Here are some excellent benefits of eating cabbage regularly:

1.It may aid in bone health improvement.

According to Gans, cabbage provides a nutrient that is critical for bone health and normal blood clotting processes in the body. One cup of cooked cabbage contains about 68 micrograms of vitamin K. As a point of reference, the ODS (Office Of Dietary Supplements, United States of America) advises 120 micrograms per day for adult males and 90 micrograms per day for women.
While vitamin K deficiency is uncommon, individuals with specific medical conditions—cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, or ulcerative colitis—may be more susceptible to having lower-than-normal vitamin K levels. Vitamin D deficiency may result in weakened bones, an increased chance of developing osteoporosis, and, in rare cases, bruising and bleeding issues.

2. Weight Loss

Cabbage is often suggested to those who want to reduce weight healthily. Due to the vegetable's high vitamin, mineral, and other nutritional content, including water and fibre, it's an excellent dietary choice for those seeking to eat better and lose weight. Additionally, it may be low in calories, with just 33 calories in a cup of cooked vegetables. Due to these advantageous characteristics, the fad "cabbage soup" diet is often adopted by people seeking to lose weight quickly. However, remember that it may not be nutritionally complete and should be included in a balanced, nutritious diet as a supplement, not as the primary component!

3. Supports Brain Health

Cabbage is an excellent source of iodine , vitamin K,  and antioxidants such as anthocyanins. These elements may be helpful as brain-building blocks. However, recent evidence indicates that it may do much more than preserve the brain's and nervous system's structural integrity. According to a 2019 study,  cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage may help reduce the amount of harmful tau proteins present in the brains of Alzheimer's sufferers. Additionally, cruciferous vegetables have been recommended for memory enhancement.
Vitamin C and flavonoids like quercetin and apigenin provide the antioxidants in this vegetable. Red cabbage may be especially powerful due to its high anthocyanin content. Antioxidants have been shown in research to decrease inflammation and improve cognitive function. 

4.Anti-inflammatory Agent

According to a study published in Clinical Phytoscience, cruciferous foods such as cabbage may have anti-inflammatory effects. They contain sulforaphane, an anti-inflammatory chemical.
Additionally, it may collect cadmium-binding compounds in its leaves, one of which is glutamine. Because glutamine is a potent anti-inflammatory, it may aid in the reduction of inflammation, irritation, allergies, joint discomfort, fever, and a variety of skin diseases.
5.Helps the Digestive Tract
According to a research published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, cabbage's fiber content may help bulk up bowel motions and alleviate constipation. Cabbage is high in fiber and glucosinolates, which may assist the body retain water and keep food bulky as it passes through the intestines.

6.May Enhance Heart Health

According to a research, cabbage is high in polyphenols, which may help prevent the build-up of platelets and therefore decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, by binding the bile acids, it may aid in the reduction of harmful cholesterol levels.
Red cabbages are high in anthocyanins, which give them their distinctive purple color. Numerous studies have shown a connection between a diet high in these substances and a decreased risk of heart disease. Additionally, cabbages are an excellent source of potassium and calcium, all of which are necessary for the heart to operate properly.

7.Prevents cataracts and maintains clear eyesight

Cabbage contains vitamin A, an important ingredient for our eyes, which aids in the maintenance of healthy eyesight.
Cabbage may contain a significant amount of beta-carotene. Many individuals, especially as they age, turn to cabbage for its potential to prevent macular degeneration, improve eye health, and postpone the development of cataracts.

8.It may assist in fighting cancer

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage contains glucosinolates, which are sulfur-containing molecules. These glucosinolates are broken down during meal preparation, chewing, and digesting into specific chemicals that have been studied for their anti-cancer properties. Cabbage's anti-cancer properties are attributed to its glucosinolate concentration. These chemicals scavenge free radicals, which are harmful to the body and lead to many types of cancer. Red cabbages are especially high in anti-cancer compounds such as sinigrin, lupeol, and sulforaphane.

9.Controls Blood Pressure

Red cabbage, on the other hand, maybe a rich source of anthocyanins. According to a research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "a higher consumption of anthocyanins is linked with decreased arterial stiffness and central blood pressure in women." Simply stated, this anthocyanin-rich vegetable may aid in the reduction of blood pressure and the prevention of heart disease. 
Potassium may protect you against hypertension, which raises your risk of heart attack and stroke. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning it may dilate the blood vessels and facilitate the flow of blood, preventing it from being pushed through restricted arteries and veins in a stress-inducing manner. In general, it may be an excellent defense against a variety of hazardous situations!

10.Reduces Muscle Aches

Lactic acid is produced when specific bacteria digest the carbohydrates in cabbage during the sauerkraut-making process. It's not the simplest chemical to include into a diet, but it may help with muscular stiffness and pains. Thus, depending on how it is made, it may assist with general pain reduction and muscular soreness in a modest manner. 

11.It is an excellent source of vitamin C

Oranges are not the sole source of vitamin C; cabbage also contains a significant quantity of the substance if you need to supplement your diet. "Cabbage is a good source of antioxidant vitamin C, delivering about 70% of the RDA [recommended dietary allowances]," Keri Gans, a New York-based registered dietitian nutritionist, tells Health.
It is very important to ingest an adequate amount of vitamin C daily, since our bodies do not produce it naturally (we need to get it from the food we eat). According to researches, vitamin C aids in the absorption of iron from plant-based foods, produces collagen to aid in wound healing, and strengthens your immune system that helps secure you from ill-health. "The cabbage family has also been linked to immunological advantages, which means it helps our cells fight off dangerous intruders such as viruses," 

12.Promotes Healing

Cabbage is high in sulfur, a highly beneficial vitamin that aids in the battle against illness. Sulfur insufficiency may result in microbial infections and a significantly decreased rate of recovery. It may help decrease the incidence and severity of ulcers.

13.Reduces Aging Signs

Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are rich in vitamin C and E, both of which aid in the formation of collagen, the substance that keeps the skin supple and wrinkle-free. Vitamin A, in conjunction with Vitamin D, preserves the skin and helps maintain a young appearance.

14.Improves the skin's recovery process and complexion

As a poultice, cabbage leaves are utilized. Acne, psoriasis, eczema, ulcers, sores, insect bites, and rashes may all be alleviated by using these leaves. For quicker healing, grated or mixed leaves may be administered directly to the afflicted region along with some dressing.
Cabbage may also be used to treat acne and other skin problems. For optimum effects, put some steamed cabbage leaves compressed in a cotton towel on the afflicted region overnight. Additionally, the high potassium and vitamin A content improves complexion.

15.May Relieve Allergies

Cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are anti-inflammatory in nature. They include sulforaphane and glutamine, two potent anti-inflammatory compounds. Regular intake may help alleviate inflammatory-related health problems such as allergies, irritation, fever, joint discomfort, and skin diseases.

16.Improves Hair's Health

Cabbage, which is high in many important nutrients, aids in the maintenance of good hair and the prevention of hair loss. It also keeps hair from becoming dry and protects the strands from getting damaged. Vitamin C, which is present in cabbage, is required for the synthesis of the protein keratin, which is mainly responsible for the body's hair and nails.
Garlic is well known as a natural health remedy that has long been used to treat various ailments. It is extremely easy to source in most countries and can be consumed cooked or fresh. It is most easily included in your food or can be eaten on its own. You don’t need to limit yourself to fresh garlic either. Garlic powder or dried garlic flakes are just as effective and super easy to keep in the cupboard for everyday use. Here are 17 amazing uses of garlic!

1. Impotency has long been thought to benefit from doses of garlic
, and treatment continues in many communities to this day.Before running around for treatments is it harmful to undergo months of garlic treatments?

2. Garlic strengthens the immune system,
Daily use of garlic might reduce the frequency and number of colds. Its antibacterial properties help in treating throat irritations. Garlic may also reduce the severity of upper respiratory tract infections. Its benefits in disorders of the lungs like asthma, difficulty of breathing, etc. make it a priceless medicine.  Its ability to promote expectoration makes it irreplaceable in chronic bronchitis

3. Garlic contains high levels of iodine which makes it a very effective treatment for hyperthyroid conditions. Treatment with garlic has been shown to greatly improve this condition.

4. Raw garlic juice may be used to immediately stop the itching due to rashes and bug bites.
 5. Garlic has been found to assist babies to gain weight while they are in the womb. Next time you have a baby prepare to have garlic breath.

6. Cardiovascular disease can be reduced by ingesting garlic. LDL cholesterol is no friend of garlic and the aortic plaque deposits that gather on the walls of your body’s veins can be reduced with the use of garlic too. Studies have shown the amazing benefits of taking garlic in relation to heart disease.

7. Fungal and bacterial vaginal infections responds when treated with garlic
!When crushed or bruised, garlic releases Allicin which is a sulphuric compound that is a natural antibiotic. Soldiers even apparently used crushed garlic on infected wounds suffered in battle.

8. Garlic has been said to be of help in weight reduction. Many researchers believe that obesity is a state of long-term low-grade inflammation. According to recent research, garlic may help to regulate the formation of fat cells in our body. Pre-adipocytes are converted into fat cells (adipocytes) through inflammatory system activity. The anti-inflammatory property of 1, 2-DT (1, 2-vinyldithiin) found in garlic may help inhibit this conversion. This may help prevent weight gain.

 9. Garlic can aid in the prevention of multiple types of cancer.
Bladder cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and stomach cancer have all been shown to have their tumors reduced when treated with garlic. Vitamin B6 is said to have cancer fighting abilities.

10. Garlic regulates blood sugar as it enhances the level of insulin in the blood. This may assist in the control of diabetes. Seek medical advice if you believe the use of garlic could help your condition.

11. Scurvy is treated by vitamin C and garlic contains good levels of vitamin C too.

12. Garlic is used in treating toothaches.
Putting  some crushed garlic clove directly on the affected tooth can help relieve toothaches due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties,though it can be irritating to the gum.

13. Garlic is a great source of vitamin B6 which is needed for a healthy immune system and the efficient growth of new cells. Vitamin B6 can also assist with mood swings and improve your cheery disposition!

14. Garlic is most well-known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. They help control bacterial, viral, fungal, yeast and worm infections. Fresh garlic is thought to play a role in preventing food poisoning by killing bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella enteritidis, etc

15. Garlic is useful in treating skin infections
.The chemical ajoene found in garlic may help treat fungal skin infections like ringworm and athlete’s foot.

16. Garlic reduces blood pressure.Angiotensin II is a protein that helps our blood vessels contract thereby increasing the blood pressure. Allicin in garlic blocks the activity of angiotensin II and helps in reducing blood pressure. The polysulphides present in garlic are converted into a gas called hydrogen sulphide by the red blood cells. Hydrogen sulphide dilates our blood vessels and helps control blood pressure

17. Garlic is effective against warts and corns.Applying fat dissolving garlic extracts to corns on the feet and warts on the hands is thought to improve these conditions.

Herbal medicines and health remedies have a lot of benefits, the greatest being that it does not interfere with the body's natural healing process. Enumerated below are the various prominent advantages of going herbal to treat ailments that may range from something as simple as common cold to something as considerably complex as diabetes or cancer.

Natural Healing

As mentioned before, herbal medicine doesn't obstruct the body's self-healing abilities in any way. On the contrary, they enhance the biological healing machinery so that the recovery process gets accelerated and the body is able to maintain an ideal internal environment that is crucial for such recovery. A lot of herbs work by stimulating various glands so that appropriate hormones are
activated. These hormones carry the distress signal to the relevant parts of the physiology to either induce or inhibit certain biological processes in order for the healing process to take place.

Continued Benefits
A lot of herbal remedies come with special instructions about diet, rest, and exercises that enhance the potency of the herb by preparing the body in such a way that it responds to the treatment in the most effective and desirable way. These dietary and lifestyle changes ultimately help the patient by getting their bodies into a healthy rhythm. When these changes become a habit and are followed even after recovery from the ailment, chances of future occurrences of the same malady are greatly reduced.

Better Immunity
Owing to their tendency of enhancing the body's natural healing process and correcting bad habits that lead to ill-health, herbs contribute towards strengthening the immune system. This, in turn, fortifies the body's natural defenses against pathogens that are responsible for primary as well as secondary infection.

Metabolism and Nutrition
A stronger immune system and a holistically regulated diet and lifestyle leads to improved metabolism, which in turn leads to better absorption of nutrition from one's diet. That is why most herbal treatment regimes forbid, or at least limit, the intake of junk food and food that is too oily or contains stimulants such as caffeine. The reason is twofold - junk food doesn't give the body the required quantity or variety of nutrition and stimulants interfere with the function of the medication. In essence, lack of proper nutrition gets in the way of the treatment's focus towards strengthening the biological defenses and by interfering with the action of the medicinal herbs, stimulants diminish the efficacy of the treatment. Hence, both are either limited or eliminated from the diet, leading to diminish one's psychological dependence on nutritionally deprived "comfort food".


Although it would be wrong to say that the risk of side-effects and allergies do not exist in case of herbal remedies, it is true that since the healing process is closer to how Nature intended it, the contraindications are minimal when herbal medication is taken as per prescription and under the supervision of a qualified practitioner However, unsupervised consumption or overdose may lead to unpleasant side effects that may range from something as mild as digestive discomfort to something as lethal as toxicity and death!

Neem ,Azadiracta indica,Dongoyaro, is a tree in the mahogany family Meliaceae. It is one of two species in the genus Azadirachta, and is native to Indiaand the Indian subcontinentincluding Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Typically growing in tropical  regions like Nigeria, Neem trees now also grow in islands in the southern part of Iran.It has been variously referred to as Bead Tree, Holy Tree, Indian Lilac, Persian Lilac and Pride of China.

1.    Neem, a tree native to India, is regarded as a ‘one tree pharmacy’, the Neem tree has several medicinal uses and forms an integral part of home remedies for the hair and skin.
2.    Neem leaf has antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it effective in treating dandruff.
3.    It also relieves dryness and itching, strengthens hair and promotes hair growth.
4.    Traditionally, neem paste has been used to condition the hair and scalp.
5.    It also soothes irritation, prevents dryness and flaking.
6.    Neem is mentioned in most Ayurvedic formulations for the treatment of skin disorders because of its detoxifying properties.
7.    The growth of acne-causing bacteria such as propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) and staphylococcus epidermidis is also inhibited by neem.
8.    The role of neem in acne is further supported by studies which have shown that it exhibits anti-inflammatory activity by suppressing P. acnes-induced reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-a and IL-8.
9.    Neem oil and neem leaves are excellent skincare ingredients. The oil relieves dry skin and soothes itchiness, redness and irritation.
10.    It also improves general skin health and immunity, combating bacterial infections such as acne, boils and ulcers.
11.    Its antimicrobial properties help heal wounds without causing any infections or septic conditions.
12.    For acne, neem tackles bacteria from the root and prevents the recurrence of pimples and blemishes.
13.    It is especially beneficial for skin disorders like eczema and minor skin infections. Neem leaves also eliminate acne-causing bacteria.
14.    It is also a gastro protective element and effective in healing ulcers.
15.    It contains high level of antioxidants that help protect skin from environmental damage and from aging.
16.    Neem oil contains fatty acid and vitamin E that gets absorbed easily into the skin, it helps rejuvenate skincells and restore elasticity.
17.    It helps maintain a glowing skinand balance skin tone.
18.    The high fatty-acid content in neem oil helps prevent and treat scars from acne.
19.    Neem leaves are also excellent exfoliants; it tightens pores and removes impurities when used as a mask.
20.    It is an excellent healer of skin fungal infections.
21.    Neem oil is a  safe and effective insecticide.
22. Neem leaf extract or paste  is extremely effective in eliminating bacterial and fungal infections or parasites. Its antiviral activity can treat warts and cold sores. Additionally:     it soothes inflammation and reduces redness, it moisturizes the skin and keeps it supple and     it can even lighten scars and pigmentation.
23. Neem Twigs when used as chewing sticks, prevents cavities and gum disease. Indian villagers have used this method for centuries. (Though in modern India neem toothpaste, mouthwashs, and bark powders are the preferred method.)
24,The seed and seed oil are used for leprosy and intestinal worms. They are also used for birth control and to cause abortions.
25.The fruit is used for hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, urinary tract disorders, bloody nose, phlegm, eye disorders, diabetes, wounds, and leprosy.
26.Neem twigs are used for cough, asthma, hemorrhoids, intestinal worms, low sperm levels, urinary disorders, and diabetes
27.The bark is used for malaria, stomach and intestinal ulcers, skin diseases, pain, and fever.
28.The leaf extract is used to treat malaria.
29.The flower is used for reducing bile, controlling phlegm, and treating intestinal worms.
30.Neem has demonstrated considerable potential as a fertilizer. Neem cake is widely used to fertilize cash crops, particularly sugarcane and vegetables. Ploughed into the soil, it protects plant roots from nematodes and white ants, probably as it contains the residual limonoids
It is very common that almost every woman in a specific time of their lives will develop stretch marks. Others, simply have a generic predisposition to stretch marks and get them everywhere and others, never develop stretch marks at all.
They look like reddish lines across the body, and with time they will turn white. 
In pregnancy it is common to have them, due that the skin it's stretching very rapidly to accommodate the baby and the milk stored in the breasts.
Once the stretch mark develops they will stay with you forever; but with time they will be less noticeable. The only way to avoid stretch marks is preventing them.
However, if you already have a Stretch marks and looking for a cure, I have good news for you.  
Here are some recipes that will help you!    

Here are the things you are going to need:  
A bowl, 
A spoon, 
Coffee grounds, 
1 Lipton tea bag, 
Aloe Vera gel, 
Warm water, 
An empty bottle, 
Coconut Oil, 
Soft-soap scrub or regular soap (depends on how coarse you want it), 
and baby powder (optional).

Add the Aloe Vera FIRST, then the coffee grounds, tea bag, and the warm water in that order. The baby powder comes next to make it thicker and not so watery. Put a lot of baby powder, just saying. Last but not least, the coconut oil.
Stir the solution with a spoon. Get your empty bottle and put the mixture in. 
Shake it for a while and you are ready to use! I saw an improvement in just 1 application! Make sure you leave it on until it dries and then wash off. 
Caution: May stain your skin just a little.     

Other recommendations on Treatment of Stretch marks. 
Home Remedies for Stretch Marks #1: 
It is very important to exercise in order to get rid of stretch marks; toning your muscles helps your skin to firm thus preventing stretch marks. 
Home Remedies for Stretch Marks #2: 
Make sure in your diet you are getting plenty of protein and foods rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin E, they promote good tissue growth.
Home Remedies for Stretch Marks #3: 
Massaging your body with olive oil or Vitamin E may help. 
Home Remedies for Stretch Marks #4: 
Apply cocoa butter through out the body as directed on label. These are very good for stretch marks.
Home Remedies for Stretch Marks #5: 
Here is another good recipe:
1/2 cup virgin olive oil.
1/4 cup Aloe Vera gel.
liquid from 6 capsules of Vitamin E.
liquid from 4 capsules of Vitamin A.
Mix all the ingredients together in a blender. After that pour the mixture into a jar and store it in the fridge. Apply the oil externally all over the places where the stretch marks commonly appear (abdomen, hips, thighs and breasts ). If you do this consistently every day, you may prevent stretch marks. 

There are a number of causes for ear ache. Middle ear infection often causes ear ache. Another common cause is called the swimmer's ear because such ear ache with redness of the outer ear is commonly seen in swimmers. Development of fluid in the ear can also cause ear ache. This is caused by infection or blockage of the Eustachian tube. Sometimes drastic changes in the pressure of the atmosphere can cause ear ache. They occur during flight, or scuba diving or while mounting steep climb on a hill.
Listed below are some very effective home remedies for Ear Ache. One can opt from any of the below mentioned remedies according to his discretion.
  • Vitamin C taken internally is a very good supplement to increase the immune system of the body and thereby prevent ear ache. The natural sources of Vitamin C are found in guava, lemon, capsicum orange and tomato. Vitamin C has the natural supply of antibiotics and anti histamine properties which only reduces ache but also helps control fever and inflammation.
  • Zinc again is an effective remedy for ear ache. It must be taken internally from natural sources like the cashew nuts, wheat germ, pine nuts, pecan nuts etc. They can be had raw or sprinkled over salad in a semi crushed form.
  • Echinacea that is free of alcohol is also very good for ear ache.
  • Mix Lobelia oil and olive oil together. Drop a few drops in the ear and plug it with a plug of cotton this will help alleviating the pain.
  • Aconite a homeopathic remedy free of side effects can be taken when the earache is triggered after exposure to very cold temperature.
  • Warm compress near the ear that is clogged and throbbing reduces pain and discomfort very quickly.
  • A clove of garlic is added to a teaspoon full of sesame oil. It is then warmed on fire. In a lying position drip two to three drops in the affected ear and allow it to stay there for at least ten minutes. Hopefully the ear ache will be gone soon.
  • Grind some basil leaves. Warm the paste mildly and squeeze four drops or so in the infected aching ear. Hopefully it will cure ear ache effectively.
  • Warm mango leaves, extract the juice out of these leaves. Pour a few drops in the infected ear and allow it to remain over night. It will work wonder in curing ear ache.
  • A very ancient and time tested remedy is pouring few drops of warm mustard oil into the infected ear and allow it to remain there. This is a sure and effective remedy against ear ache.
  • Swimmers also develop ear aches due to exposure to the water. Red external ear with flakes and ear ache is a common system. In such cases prevention is better than cure. It is advisable for them to add a few drops of mineral oil to their ears before going into the water. The swimmers’ ear syndrome will not develop.
  • While climbing heights be it while traveling in an airplane or climbing a steep climb or trekking clogged ear and ear ache can occur. In that case chewing some candy or gum will release the pressure from the clogged ear and in the process relieve ear ache.
  • Sometimes people are allergic to dietary food supplements like the milk , cheese etc. this at times causes ear ache. It is better to abstain from such triggers if one is vulnerable to such products.
  • Mix three parts of white vinegar and a part of alcohol. Drip two to three drops of the liquid in the ear for instant relief from ear ache.
  • Add apple cider vinegar easily available in the departmental stores to equal parts of rubbing alcohol. Fill a dropper and drip the mixture in the ear canal until it is filled. Allow it to be there for five to ten minutes. The procedure must be repeated three times a day until the ear ache is relieved.
  • Castor oil can be warmed and a drop or two is poured into the infected ear. A cotton plug is then placed to seal the liquid inside. This can be continued twice a day for a day or two until the ear ache is alleviated.
  • A cap full of hydrogen peroxide if poured into the ear and is allowed to remain there for a minute or two and there after drained out is also an effective remedy for ear ache.

Piles refer to the venal inflammation located near the anal passage. With its location either on internal or external side of the anal cavity; piles are marked by bleeding, irritation and extreme discomfort in passing bowels. Generally caused by faulty diet and genetic tendencies; constipation and piles are inter related, with one aggravating the condition of other.
There are effective home remedies which serve to reduce the painful symptoms of piles, apart from helping to flush clear the system of all its toxins.

  • Banana is known to be a good laxative; but boiled bananas consumed twice a day is one of the effective home remedies for piles. Make sure to have ripe bananas boiled.
  • Glass of butter milk made out of sour curd with a dash of lime and rock salt is also effective to cure the symptoms of piles.
  • Homemade curd with a dash of mustard powder is also effective in curing the conditions of piles
  •  A concoction made out of ginger, honey, sweet lime and mint is also effective in keeping the system cool and free from toxins.
  • Juice made out of radish is another of the natural options whereby you are able to flush out your system; thereby minimizing the painful discomforts of piles. Regular consumption of the juice varying between one forth to half a cup will prove to be effective.
  • Equally effective is the juice of turnip leaves in curing the conditions of piles.
  • Sometimes an enema prepared with warm water boiling neem leaves and that of wheat grass may be administered to patients suffering from piles so as to clean the system of all its wastes.
  • For people suffering from piles, it is advisable that they go for whole grain cereals rather than the refined ones. Gruel of the boiled rice in addition to ripe banana and curd is one of the wholesome nutrients.
  • Crushed leaves of bitter gourd are also one of the homemade ways whereby you can treat piles naturally.
  • Roasted and powdered seeds of cumin with half tea spoonful being added to water also serve as a healthy option for protecting harmful effects of piles.
  • Juice of onion added to water with dashes of sugar also proves to be a healthy option.
  • Powdered seeds of mango serve as another remedial option if taken with honey.
  • Application of baking soda on the swollen veins also serves to reduce inflammation.
  • Juice extracted from carrot and beet root may be applied on a long piece of gauze to be applied on the swollen veins. 
  • Application of warm olive oil is said to be equally effective.
  • Consumption of juice extracted out of aloe also serves to reduce the painful swelling of piles.

  • Milk enriched with drops of latex of banyan is also beneficial if consumed regularly.
  • Juice extracted from flowers of tamarind also serves to heal piles if consumed internally.
  • Blackberries or for that matter any forms of berries and grapes are beneficial from the point of view of curing piles. Apart from aiding free passage of bowels; berries serve to cure with its anti inflammatory properties.
  • Certain vegetables such as papaya, cabbage and colcasia are beneficial from the point of view of patients afflicted with piles.
  • Besides the anti septic value of neem leaves; its flowers are also similarly effective in treating piles.
  • It is important that patients afflicted with piles go for diet oriented towards fruits and vegetable. Besides banana and other mentioned varieties; consumption of date is also another healthy option.
  • A decoction made out of pepper, fennel and honey is also beneficial with equal measures of pepper, fennel being mixed in three hundred grams of honey.
  • It is advisable for patients down with piles that they consume six to eight glasses of water daily to aid free movement of bowel.
  • Similarly food enriched with spices and chilies should be avoided because the similar would aggravate the conditions of piles. Artificially flavored food containing preservatives should also be done away with.
  • According to the traditionally held belief soaked basil in a glass of water is one of the best remedial options if the water soaking about five basil leaves is drunk after thirty minutes of soaking.
  • For instantaneous relief from pain, soaking in luke warm water may prove to be comfortable.


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